Khanversations about The Holy Quran
Khanversations about The Holy Quran is a Ramadan series since 2020. In these series I speak to scholars and students of the divine text who seek to translate it, to write commentaries on it and to teach it. I also want to flush out the breadth and depth of Muslim understanding of The Quran — the veritable speech of God. The goal is to provide a deeper and more contemporary understanding of the Holy Quran. The Ramadan 2020 and 2021 series were sponsored by the Islamic Community Center of Lancaster, PA.
The Mystical and Spiritual Powers of the Quran | A Khanversation with Imam Feisal Rauf Ramadan 2021
In this season finale of the Khanversations about the Quran, Ramadan 2021, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf gives a master class on the mystical and spiritual power of the Quran and how to bring this dimension into our lives. He expounds on the meaning of Zikr and its profound implications for a life lived cognizant of the reality of God. Must watch. Spiritually enriching and empowering.
Khanversation about The Majestic Quran with Dr. Musharraf Hussain | Ramadan 2021
Dr. Musharraf Hussain is the Chief Executive Officer of Karimia Institute in Nottingham, UK and the translator of the Holy Quran titles the Majestic Quran : This Khanversations examines the virtues of Dr. Musharraf Hussain’s latest translation of the Quran in contemporary English. It explores issues that youth face with understanding the Holy Quran. Dr. Hussain explains his methodology and shares his vision about how Muslims must relate with the Quran today. There is an interesting discussion about reading versus recitation and the importance of Quran translations and the need to embrace them.
Women and Gender in the Qur’an | A Khanversation with Dr. Celene Ibrahim Ramadan 2021
Where are women’s voices in the Quran? How does the Quran portray women and their role in society? How does the Quran define women’s relationships? What is Muslima theology? What is the feminist view of the Quran? This Khanversation addresses all these questions and more. Dr. Celene Ibrahim discusses the main themes in her book Women and Gender in the Qur’an. She describes the presence of Women’s voices, agency and role in the Qur’anic discourse. Dr. Ibrahim also discusses her approach to the Quran and how she understands its ethical and moral framework. This is an important contribution by an accomplished Mufassirah and it deserves our attention.
Professor Carl W. Ernst on How to Read the Qur’an | Khanversations about the Qur’an Ramadan 2021
In this absorbing and fascinating Khanversation, Prof. Ernst talks about the ring structure of the Quran, the distinction between Meccan and Medinan Surahs, on the theory of abrogation in the Quran, on the need to widen and deepen the study of Tafsirs of the Quran and on intertextuality — the relations between the Quran and the Biblical heritage. This is a tour de force. Must watch.
The Place of the Quran in Muslim Life | A Khanversation with Dr. Ingrid Mattson
In this Khanversation recorded on the 27th night of Ramadan, May 19, 2020 Dr. Ingrid Mattson discusses the importance of the Quran in Muslim spiritual life. She discusses with Dr. Muqtedar Khan, key issues like the ’uncreatedness’ of the Quran, the politics of interpretation, the feminist and modernist approaches to Tafsir and the transformative role of the Quran in her life. The conversation revolves within the context of her book, The Story of the Quran: Its History and Place in Muslim Life (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013). Click here to watch.
In this Khanversation, recorded on May 03, 2020, Dr. Nevin Reda provides a new reading of the so called “wife beating verse” of the Quran 4:34, advances a spiritual way to understand the Quran and unpacks the structural glory of Surah Al-Baqara, the second chapter in the Quran. Dr. Reda is a rising star among the many emerging female scholars of the Quran who are unveiling new aspects of the divine message. Click here to view.
The Merits and Controversies of The Study Quran | A Khanversation with Dr. Joseph Lumbard

Contemporary Understanding of the Quran | A Khanversation with Dr. Safi Kaskas